Location & Scenario
At the Creston Street Substation (in South Seattle near Bangor St.), we'll hide the puzzle next to the five foot purple electrical outlet.
See above.
Elapsed Time
Arrive at 3
Find the clue at 3:05
Leave at 3:35
There's a formula you're missing.
Think Einstein.
Compute e=mc^2 on a calculator and turn upside down.
Answer - OOZE
Teams need to solve e=mc^2.
M = 8 (4 Grandparents, 2 Maternal Cousins, 2 Paternal Cousins).
C = 20 (2 Maternal Uncles, 2 Maternal Aunts, 6 Maternal Cousins, 2 Paternal Uncles, 2 Paternal Aunts, 6 Paternal Cousins).
e = 3200.
3200 upside down spells "OOZE".